This page is devoted to opening and inventions of mankind at 20-21 centuries which have not attracted attention and have not received distribution!

Personally I have become interested in this theme absolutely casually!
In 1990 years on the TV and in newspapers has sounded, to anybody the unknown name, one frenchman, the owner of small restaurant in France!
It, by means of (I shall not press in technical details) not the artful adaptation, overtook the fulfilled sunflower, corn and soya oil - in "Fuel" and there went by the "small-displacement" machine, a year!
At what it was emphasized, that exhaust gases of this machine do not pollute and do not heat up air and not strongly smells chips.
Have passed years, about it have forgotten and here already in Israel, 2003-04 on the second state channel of Israel have shown shot film-interview, with one inhabitant of settlements and Gaza. On the TV have shown outlines,familiar to me, mashin that frenchman, but more equipped by devices and it is more three times in the sizes and volume. The journalist-girl, asked it any nonsense questions, but it, fortunately
"simple man",not pursuing glory, told - that its family and relatives on territories, neighbours and friends here 2 years, as use its services and refuel for a symbolical payment as oil bring the . It is a unique problem which exists... I was in a shock...! Well, "men" gives... And it it speaks in the country, where oil the river Flows in the water drain, in the evening from all snackbars, falafel, shuvarm, shashlik houses and other restaurants and hotels of all Israel!!! Very few people has paid attention and on that it has told and in general on this plot.
But we live in to the country of miracles and always the bad government! In a year being in Gaza, on "miluim" (Reserve gathering).
I a nose with a nose stolknulsja with it "mountain businessman". It has really appeared simple the man, not aspired to earn or become famous.
I have explained to it, that its actions and the device, it is a jump in the future where there is no place to such kind of fuel, as oil and gas, and the future for secondary dust, energy of the sun, water and plasma. And so has explained, that development of manufacture and use of this kind
some fuel in Israel, for example, can if to not replace completely, then half to reduce dependence of the country on oil and gas, can fall in price use of energo-carriers and the electricity. It not the desire or desire to develop this business simply is not pertinent also some one at whom is money and brains, necessarily invests money in its development. In fact by modest calculations, the account of that the price on the fulfilled oil, is not known (basically it is known, that everyone try to get rid of it, lawful and not in the lawful ways, merging the fulfilled oil from grills in sewer system, in 4 cases from 5, absolutely not not prepared for it. And what with it to do? Not in garbage tanks to fill in...!)
The price means, that there will come also time to a week to take away, the fulfilled oil, - will be symbolical! Three, four - such snackbars or restaurant, and here - the floor of city can already forget about charges on gasoline. But, as is known all rests against money and interest of authorities! I am not rich, it too not in condition, and so all history in air of nonexistence also has hung. In a year there was an evacuation and I saw in the staff, on the TV, its rather quiet, evacuation kibuts and even was flown in the staff by its wife and the daughter, in the machine (certainly, it was at the wheel..!) And where they now I do not know. That us draw have taken away!!! I have no in view of not only Israel and jews, and all in the World! What to us such occurs? It is not necessary to us, we not are interested? Why neither who does not turn on these inventions, nor the slightest attention?
Well, I shall add slightly self-interest... Who wishes to earn on it? And then I have solved, time I can not support to learn to live, too I shall be nobody, and I shall help better is information! I shall start to collect such cases of not demanded, is high-technological inventions and rasslylat them in prosecute these subjects, the state and military organizations and establishments. If it has interested you, watch updatings on page! I shall be always glad to the information sent by you and photos, and also I undertake to place, if they correspond to subjects of a site!!! Thanks for attention!

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