Clauses which never will publish...!!!

Murder in our society or potential murderers among us...?

For the beginning, let''s recollect whom we name "Murderer". He/she is the person which it is capable to kill other person and to not test thus any painful feelings, pangs of conscience, night nightmares and in general anything similar. If thus it still feels moral satisfaction such we name л the cool murderer ╗, that is pat logy, it or feels necessity to kill or its sincere condition is in the eternal conflict with itself while it it will not make murder. The certificate of murder, this violence and not only above a victim, but also above the murderer if it has been accomplished not in a condition effect or at self-defense when the instinct of self-preservation removes a measure of reason, education, humanism, etc.
The person should make violence above by itself to break in the consciousness everything, that it when or heard about humanity, humanism or religious dogma - лNot Kill!!! ╗, to cross this feature, to so-called humanity and as they say to become "animal". But here in fact in what a difficulty, the most terrible animal on a planet, on mine "person" because kills not for the sake of livelihood or a survival, and for the sake of an additional profit, for the sake of self-interest, hatred and a rage and sometimes even love.
Not too-whether it is a lot of reasons for murder similar if to list to add murder in the name of the native land, a duty, the nation, family. In difference from fauna, at people it is too much reason to kill and that who has named people the maximum reason, has obviously hurried.
Our human body is fragile and defenseless, as a falling glass from a table, - here it has concerned a floor and..... The partyТs fine splinters of glass have scattered in all. And in fact only, that stood on a table, such beautiful, on a crystal leg!!! But is not present, it is not enough of it, ours л the maximum reason ╗ thinks out all more perfect instruments and means of murder and destruction similar. I do not think, that we have the right to apply for concept "maximum", can is simple reason and at all very reasonable, in a view of a present ecological condition of a planet "Earth"!!!
But we shall return to a theme, and we shall consider one very indicative and widespread example from our usual life: Veins-was the usual boy, loved girls, the nature, the daddy with mum, music and freedom certainly, for all life of the fly has not offended, happened - fighter, but in a youth, few times. And here 18 years were executed to it, have called the boy in army Ц to protect the native land always is honorable, yes army training and a specialty always is useful on a citizen. It has got in infantry, studied diligently in tactics of fight, to shoot without a miss, to submit to orders not reflecting and here there has come the moment when it has got in the real fight. The opponent has not been drawn on to the cardboard and died on the present, at it on eyes. And not the order of the commander forced to press on cock, and the most normal, human instinct of self-preservation and desires to survive and come back home!!! And a conscience is clean, and a heart does not ache, in fact he on war and got an order, if not him!
In neither fact but here misfortune, neither as nor the face of togs fellow goes out from a head that died for him on eyes. Such young, as well as he, he probably also has a father and mother, friend waited, and a wife can with a child! From one side sense of guilt, and from other is sense of heroism and some feature, differences to other, those whoever militated and did not kill. Here she is a лline╗ and he stepped over her, becoming a killer. The unique idea calms at nights, that he was soldier, he executed an order and as a bell ringing, in ears: If not I.....!!! - He me.......!!!
It a boy does not even present what blow was inflicted on his psyche and consciousness. Little, who knows in general, that in all advanced armies of the world, in the first months of service, on soldiers the system of the disciplinary pressing, which bet is directed on samoosoznaniyu of buduyuschego soldier, as separate and independent personality, is used - doing his obedient in build with such, as well as he!!
Neither whatever journeys for a border, after service nor what entertainments and the joys of life will wipe these flashbacks. Can move away on any time on a background, but will disappear never from memory. And possibly, when through a lot of years these moments will halloo to each other him by a neadekvatnym conduct in one or another situation, being in our society and sotsiume. It a boy does not even present what blow was inflicted on his psyche and consciousness. Little, who knows in general, that in all advanced armies of the world, in the first months of service, on soldiers the system of the disciplinary pressing, which bet is directed on consciousness of future soldier, as separate and independent personality, is used - doing his obedient in build with such, as well as he!
Neither whatever journeys for a border, after service nor what entertainments and the joys of life will wipe these flashbacks. Can move away on any time on a background, but will disappear never from memory. And possibly, when, through a lot of years these moments will halloo to each other him by a not adekvatnym conduct in one or another situation, being in our society.
And children growing in the district of battle actions and from five-year age looking at an automat, as for the purpose serving of dinner-table. Do you think for them with a psyche all is normal? For them there are words: лmurder╗ and лdeath╗ became ordinary, as mult-move on a television set. Even primitive people, Neanderthal-man are savages, behaved to лmurder╗ or лdeath╗ with the large trembling and fear, what modern children and teenagers.
I was distracted by the loud screaming from a street, ordinary children, not growingТs under the sounds of bombings and turns of automats at nights, were there played. One wicked boy of 6 years yells other:
-- Well all! Not to live you! I will catch and will put to death you!
-- I will cut off you a head! You are a dead body! Ц
On how many it became ordinarily and usually, that even intelegentnaya and well-read mother does not turn him attention on these words, however, as well as mother of child which these threats were turned to. On my remark about it, both mothers snorted with indignation:
-- But, this child, stir every nonsense! -- Well, that will say here, can they and right Ц children look every nonsense on a television set! But sediment on the soul remained not pleasant.
Now will go back to a basic theme. An army, if in particular case she prepares soldiers directly in the area of battle actions, helps a man with ordinary, normal psychology to step over this line or concept лmurder╗, not forcing, so strongly psyche - by setting to of guilt on giving order and on
Permission of carrying and application of weapon.
It is common knowledge. Although better and better than persons to it does not become. Cases are unfortunately rare, when passing persons such tests, fully renounce the former persuasions and becomes nearer to pantheism. (Real pantheists, I count people which realized the complete inability to cause pain a лliving organism╗ fully in any form, in even the name rescue of the own life!!! And such, trust, very little!!!) In most, passing baptism of fire on the missions of combats people, remain with the psychological trauma-problem and ferment in our society, as mines of slow action and not who, including they, does not know when a clock-work will work, лpassing a line╗!!!
I do not want to tire you numbers and counts, but think such лpotential killers╗ are very much in our the quiet not world, but in particular case in such countries, as Russia, Israel, America, Africa and South America,, practically entire countries of Asia. If to take to consideration of this problem the state Israel, will appear Ц the every first served in an army, every second participated in fights and the every third shot on a defeat, that means Ц in Israel every fourth
(I do not yet take on account of girls, because their participating directly in battle actions is not used Ц and thereon thank you!) has an experience of murder to itself similar and accordingly psychological trauma incurable time, passing a лline╗ will never forget, where and as he stepped over her. Not too much potential killers on 7th the millionth state or you think it not however represented on everyday life and on society in canasta.
At some instant of writing of this article, I thought: - And can I wrong, not all can, so sharply and sensibly perceive the fact of murder accomplished on war of лmurder on a command╗! But confirmation appeared in itself as going out from a bus, at the Central station, in Tel Aviv, young soldier. His look the dumbfounded roamed on merry, hurrying in all sides public, on colorful sandwich-boards, to the merry TV programs and in general on all this лpeaceful disorderly conduct╗! But only 5 hours and 400km back, he went out from a fight, where shot, quite not on targets, but on living people. One evened - they also shot in him, and already becoming
by a motto: лIf not you in him........he is in you╗, a little calms, but not on long.
Minutes through ten, getting into conversation, I asked: - What will do on leave? What will do? He, not reflecting, looking at it in a floor, said: - will Go with a friend on disco, or in a bar, will have a drink necessarily and it is natural to rest! In principle I other answer and did not expect, and only imagined on a second, if someone in the moment of his лweakening╗, will offend him a word, by an action or his girl, which his reaction can be and how many it needs this лmine of slow action╗ of alcohol, that not reflecting Ц to burst!!! I think here, that quite not much, but if yet, someone will pronounce a phrase alongside, that Israel soldiers are not able to militate or this war is vain, an explosion will happen with double force!!! 50/50, that can happen the not premeditated murder, if to take into account explosive character of undivided, it is possible boldly
to translate to predict - 30/70.
The State turns out, in a time of service gives a right to murder, in the end takes away him, not reflecting, that not all so simply, and there is this bleeding wound in the soul of soldier. And if her, that wounds Ц no, and a conscience does not torment him Ц he means became cool and the murders (though and by order) accomplished by him are not prevented by his consciences quietly to live. And how many such does go for a walk in our midst? Yes, the state tries them to help, adapt oneself in society after service, but this
a help is grain in a sea, as compared to those difficulties which they have, psychologically to overcome. Not whatever social and material welfares will help them to the end delivered from the heartfelt and psychological pressing. Yes, certainly, passing most people such tests begin to value a concept лThe bad world╗ and quiet! But a crack in consciousness and psyche remained and will nowhere disappear, it they, so far badly realize or to the not end understand the danger of the own state of the soul,
heroism and involvement covered slogans to the fate of the state and country.
Many can object certainly - murder on war and murder on a лcitizen╗ is two different things, but murder remains murder, in first case responsibility undertakes the state, and in the second a man breaks the stereotypes and carries all burdens of the decision and guilt! That, naturally, far heavier to outlive morally and psychologically. It all and so clear. Not clear only, that will be then with this man which accomplished murders by order and whether he will not accomplish him again, but for this time without an order, and by reason of split of moral and broken psyche. In constabulary reports on the search of killers, always mark whether the searched served in battle parts or not, because they know that serving лhot points╗ taught and capable on murder not meditating, unlike an ordinary man. At the worst he will give a dusting showing him out of itself man, in the best will find other exit from the created situation, but not however murder. I am right you must admit that!!! Means in most, killers are a product of public policy and farther more with them and fight, by forces of police and other, by the created subdivisions with a roundly-annual review on murder. Here circle and locked! From where deport, there and returned and there is not possibility to tear this vicious connection between the state and killers. The state can not exist without the people of potentially able to put (by order) to death, it sharply needs them, whatever will not nearly say about the last (to them the state Ц лto the bulb╗). Going out from under control, subject liquidation, although anything but clear, who went out from under control and who it yet is not. In Israel, at 7th millionth
population 700-750 thousand and yet about 400-450 thousands Ц reservists soldiers of army in the field, passing the real fights, (лnot on life, but on death╗). Who of them will break and when, defining is impossible. There is an eternal question: - What to do?
And if possibility it to change? Or so it will remain forever Ц the State will rear and learn baits, that then with them to fight!!!

I want the Peace in the whole World, and and leave a political chew, to the fools...!!!

Let us give a glance on a world economy and always influencing on her policy on simple, without the learned by heart and well-trodden panky phrases, concrete persons and names. Americans for us America, accordingly Russians Ц Russia, and Chinese, as China relies. Although, as is generally known, all people and nationalities were already a long ago mixed, married and settling apart, who where had wanted and, as could and continue to "move" to the best life!
To my mind, and hope that many think, our world politically-economic model conducts us in ecological Dead lock, thus from the capital letter of л╥╗, because some from us forgot that getting its gifts to the mother of Earth, it is necessary, to give something in replacements and here not to scrimp! An enormous game is лMonopoly╗ which is played by the world oligarchs this; natural cataclysms do not take into account, avidity, profit and nationalism of many politicians and, as result instability of relations between countries and states. Any breaking a secret to power politician, haranguing from a tribune, promises the people prosperity, sufficiency and defense, his (that our) political and economic interests on a world arena, but not who of them, never reflected, that interests at all above-ground under a лstar by name a Sun╗ must be identical, instead of raznymi, as many think. Following a phrase "That to Russian well, to German death"!!! With present philosophy of development of economy and democracy - to us all soon "Death"!!! You will say - pessimistically, hotels''-by to be an optimist, but know ledges do not allow. It is enough on our age, and does not know our grandchildren!!!
America thinks really, that becoming the most important, mighty and prosperous country of the world, it somehow will help humanity to avoid a globally-ecological crisis which, as I understand threatens the whole World!
And iskrene is pitiful me Togo, who thinks that it will not touch him!!! America breaks a secret to prove the whole world and Americans, that they are the strongest, stable and prosperous country, although as far as it is known all, Australia a long ago they excel herein. China is in the aspiration, economic to smash America, almost had will, not looking on sufferings of the people which where, only does not live and by whom does not work only.
England, which tried to "cultivate" people, by birth from East countries, by the European culture Ц terrakt got carried out, already by its natives and is in shock to consequences.
Russia declaring for the whole world, that does not exist separate terrorist groupments, (after Beslana), and all of it is single, world terrorism, for some reason, despite every good sense, called the leaders of terrorist party of лHamas╗ to itself in guests!
To meet! As though to them Basaeva little. Mainly is eccentric ness of thought.
Arabic countries, protecting from America and whole world the capitals, лblack gold╗ and religious ways of life - ready on everything, inclusive maintenance of terrorist organizations, that a long ago already not secret!
And burn it all by a fire! The countries of Latin America, for some reason, lay Israel to the economic decline, explaining it tem, that the Jewish businessmen took weigh world capital, although 18 or 20 Israel miliarderov look poor men as compared to the 1500th Arabic sheiks, already not speaking about the Russian multimillionaires, above-ground far, not on a motherland.
Korea of as usual can not understand, what a north differs to a south forgetting that all of them, however Koreans!
Europe reminds a large ant-hill, and not only on an amount and closeness of countries but also on the friendly solidarity of aspiration, to the world and consent, that on itself, happiness already, although to complete globalization of thought and mutual understanding, yet very far. Israel, thank heavens, does not break a secret in world leaders and does not dictate a world association, as necessary to live, but his "democratic-religiously-social" device is "finished" off by the own people, at what, constitution there in eyes nobody saw and concepts do not have, she is needed for what! And by guilt, to all, to my mind is Nationalism which is now substituted a beautiful phrase: лNational consciousness╗!
This lever of management and pressure of political leaders is in our civilization, distorted and trampled milliard of human lives, and continues to destroy, in religious wars and starving countries. We, ordinary people, hard workers of the whole world, not breaking a secret to private business-capital and political Olympia, believers and nonbelievers in God (Allah, Jesus or Moses), that needs us Ц all, nothing is the World without Wars, stable, favorite work and affordable costs on a meal and habitation! Really did I ask much? Really not it is wanted by any man on Earth, and in any state Ц quietly to live, work, raise and educate children, compose and verses, banter, laugh and cry not apropos!
Did I skip something? Something important? Remedy me if something does not have you for peaceful life with neighbors on a room, on a house or with the nearby state. Never disagreed with those, who talked that the world it is a difficult лthing╗ - It we complicated him and continue to complicate. I offer Ц phrase : лOld Ц As the World╗, to do on : лSimply Ц As the World╗!
In fact in many languages of the World a word the лWorld╗ means at once two, such important, for us concepts.
Now results : All states of the world aspire to economic independence, that even in a theory and it is impossible in principle, (some one has salt, but nekhvataet matches Ц means it is necessary somewhere to purchase)!
All states want political independence, although in business, not who on her and will not encroach, if it and nearby people are replete and content with all. Every state to aim to show the world, different from all, foreign policy, although in my opinion, a foreign policy for us at all must be identical:
Keeping our fragile Peace and Humanity in particular!!!
It is time to remind all, who at a "helm" is the ancient Indians saying : лNot earth belongs to the man, it he to belongs Earth!╗ As which fed Mother and gave to drink us, belongs '' does not can to us Ц it we owe to her, as children, always ready, at one time, to come for help and to return a debt !

Lex Zugo

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