"Keepers of the World"

It is the story - (script), in style, - I would name its collection of styles of a fantasy, a love story and it is a little - a political thriller and "fantasy", under the working name " Keepers of the World "! Comprises in general my vision of Globalization of our society, as the best variant of a survival in the created situation:
1. Global terrorism, which reason social and religious not the consent!
2. Ecologically not the stable nature and cataclysms to cope with which is possible only consolidate financially and intellectual all World!
3. An inconsistency, as the best model of the state, system of democracy, at which the State and its interests (on behalf of everything, certainly) operates small group rich or is arrogant-religious people!
4. Application in children''s training nationalism, by a principle, what nationality and religion is better. (the best training, is the enemy of degradation, any nationality.)
About the simple Jewish guy who lives in Jerusalem, approximately.................................. In 2150-60!
Conducting a silent, quiet and measured life, on a background reconstructed arrangement the order of the Earth. Globalized in the uniform state - "GLOBY" - It how to it seems, finds the answer to the complicated question - "What for we here?" . Having collided in a global Internet with the person who owned forces exceeding human abilities and opportunities! It has named itself(himself) the representative of a cohort of people which since olden days (approximately since 1850-60), owned technics of a levitation, Pshiho-cinezis, simply hypnosis, etc. But were dispensing worldwide and did not know how to master this knowledge! That they have got those hands.......... And in those, not for memorable times they have gathered: Have established 3 rules and 3 purposes! And having named themselves " Keepers of the World ", - protect it till now! Having such gift how "to feel" all people and everyone, they protect people from acts which can cause global accidents, both psychological character, and ecological, that entails, inevitably, disappearance of mankind, as human! Having got acquainted more close and having realized importance of the information received by it about possible terrorist the certificate, and also having received, in the help, skill to come back on genic memory, to history and ancestors - it helps to prevent Globas-Interpols accident on the Earth and so meets the Love, and not only to the girl of which dreamed, but also to all mankind, becoming together with it
"the Keeper of the World "
In the story aspects of economic and ecological development of our Civilization that gives me are captured all is right to name it more or less scientific because in a writing conclusions and clauses of leading ecologists and political scientists, and also economists and opinion of set of people, simple users of a global Internet all over the world were used! And so works of many writers about religion and historians-publicists of our time.
It is one more attempt to connect together, everything, that occured and occurs, with our civilization of a sort, by name "Person",
(I hope - "reasonable"), one more mad plan-imagination about our the nearest the future, which not so is far as it seems!!!

Forgive, the script in a stage of completion
And observance of all rights!!!
With apologies.......Lex Zugo

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